

End Procrastination before it ends you!

Tue Oct 1 2024

Tomorrow (noun) – A mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement is stored.

The act of putting off doing something that you should do till another day or time, because you do not want to do it is called Procrastination.

Scientists have been trying to crack the reason for procrastination and find its cure. Procrastination has been a silent killer for generations and has been affecting lives of people regardless of their age. While researchers keep working towards finding a cure to the problem, students suffer the most because of this. As the Best CBSE School in Kolkata, we can help you look at a few ways you can combat procrastination as a student and work towards achieving your academic and personal goals.

Procrastination is a very common phenomenon among students. Almost 75% students can be considered procrastinators and it often turns out problematic. Researchers have found out that the root cause of procrastinating can be traced back to low self-esteem, fear of failure, depression or poor study habits.

Do the task for less time

Procrastinators invest more time doing the wrong thing and often find it difficult to even start the task they are meant to be doing. Try to start a task for a few minutes. You will notice that once you start working on something, it will linger In your mind and you will be more likely to stick to it and complete the task.

Do the important tasks first

Categorize your tasks at hand into hard and easier ones. Our energy tends to drop low once we continue to do something at a stretch. If you target finishing the harder or the most important task at first, towards the end of it, even if you are low on energy, you will be able to finish the easier work towards the end.

Set a shorter deadline for yourself

For people who procrastinate, the further away the deadline is, the less chance it has of appealing to the one to get to the task. As the Best CBSE School in Kolkata, we have noticed that you can solve this problem if you split the task into parts and give yourself shorter deadlines to finish each shorter task. That way, you are more likely to be able to achieve those targets and meet the deadlines and you will be able to complete the entire task in time.

Improve your self-confidence

If you are someone who believes you will not be able to succeed at a task at hand, you are more likely to procrastinate before starting it or finishing it. Work on your self-confidence, try to believe in your abilities, and try to convince yourself you can do it. A little self-confidence goes a long way.

Tip for parents – As the Best CBSE School in Kolkata, we ask you to encourage your children in whatever they set out to do. A little encouragement can work wonders in building their self-confidence and ending their procrastination.

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